Are you looking for job at Public Buildings Service in District of Columbia? Where can you find a good-paying job in 2023 at Public Buildings Service? Here you can find over 92 job vacancies at Public Buildings Service.
Fresh Job Openings from Public Buildings Service в DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
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As an Engineering Technician (Mechanical), you will serve as a Program Specialist and facilitate complex actions to ensure the implementation of Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) contracts an...
As a Customer Service Manager you will be responsible for staff supervision, business management leadership, control of facility construction/renovation, real property management operations and m...
As a Supervisory Mechanical Engineering Technician, you will be responsible for the administration and operation of project management, project negotiations, inspection programs, and updating of mecha...
As a Senior Project Manager, you will responsible for overall project management of the most politically sensitive and complex Prospectus level projects. Location of position: Public Bu...
As a Building Manager, you will be responsible for planning, management, coordination, and direction of the operation and maintenance of approximately 2,500,000 or more, adjusted square feet...
As a Senior Project Manager, you will responsible for overall project management of the most politically sensitive and complex Prospectus level projects. Location of position: Public Bu...
As a Senior General Engineer, you will be responsible for the performance of all aspects of the project management of Prospectus Level and non-prospectus level projects, which comprise the most m...
As a senior project manager within the Public Buildings Service (PBS), you will be responsible for overall project management of the most politically sensitive and complex Prospectus level p...
As a Supervisory Construction Control Representative, you will perform construction related duties in support of project managers, enabling PBS to leverage its resources to facilitate a...
As a Heating Operation and Transmission Officer, you will administer strategic and tactical direction overseeing the programs, projects, and initiatives of the Heating Operation and Transmis...
As a Heating Operation and Transmission Officer, you will administer strategic and tactical direction overseeing the programs, projects, and initiatives of the Heating Operation and Transmis...
As a Project Manager, you will be a senior project manager responsible for overall project management of the most politically sensitive and complex Prospectus level projects.Location of posi...
As a Deputy Regional Commissioner (Senior Advisor), you will provide authoritative advice, guidance and expertise on all program and policy matters concerning the management of PBS&rsqu...
As an Engineering Technician (Mechanical), you will be responsible for providing technical and management support to the operation of the facilities, the distribution and cooling systems in the progra...
As Director of the Heating Operation and Transmission District (HOTD), you will be responsible for professional, business, and technical administration; and strategic and tactical direction over plann...
As an Equipment Specialist, you will provide support and assistance to the technical authority in the development, design, evaluation, application, inspection and testing of Heating, Ventilation, and ...
As a Building Manager, you will furnish facility support to the 24/7 operation of property through the provision of staff supervision, business management, direction, internal and external communicati...
As a Building Manager, you will furnish facility support to the 24/7 operation of property through the provision of staff supervision, business management, direction, internal and external communicati...
As a Supervisor Project Manager, you will serve as a regional expert, responsible for directing, managing and coordinating projects relating to the property management, realty services, design and con...
As a Supervisor Project Manager, you will serve as a regional expert, responsible for directing, managing and coordinating projects relating to the property management, realty services, design and con...